

"Fireworks" rescue documentary

时间:2021-12-24 09:10:36

The No. 6 typhoon "Fireworks" landed on Putuo, Zhoushan at around 12:30 on July 25. In order to further improve the work of typhoon and flood prevention, Lauter organized a meeting of all militia and reserve personnel on July 24, which was conducted by Comrade Yan Jiguang. During the pre-war mobilization and deployment, the meeting emphasized: We must resolutely implement the provincial and municipal decisions and deployments, and treat the defense against typhoon "fireworks" as the current overriding political task. All soldiers must earnestly enhance risk awareness and safety awareness, and implement high standards and strict requirements. The preparatory work for flood fighting and flood prevention is to achieve "loading of goods and people in place", "draw and win" at critical moments, maximize the safety of people's lives and property, and mobilize all Lauter fighters to win the typhoon "fireworks" "Defensive battle.


On the 25th, Lauter's flood control platoons and reserves were lined up and were on standby at the company. At 16:30 in the afternoon, they received the order of the Municipal People's Armed Forces Department and went to Henghe Town to assemble and stand by. After receiving the order, the flood control platoon immediately dispatched 6 boatmen with 3 assault boats and 3 jeeps to Yokogawa as soon as possible. The other team members stayed on duty to prevent danger in other areas and need emergency assistance. Before the dispatch, Yan Jiguang put forward three requirements to the rescue team: one is to have a high degree of safety concept to ensure the safety of the people and themselves; the other is that party members and cadres should give full play to their vanguard and exemplary roles, and be at the forefront and at the forefront. Other comrades must take the initiative to cooperate; the third is to maintain a high morale and full spirit, obey the command, and successfully complete the rescue mission assigned by the superior. "Wearing this'national defense green', you have the responsibility to solve problems for the masses! As a party member, you should charge ahead!" said Du Fengbin, a member of the team.


At 17:00, we arrived at the government of Yokogawa Town. At this time, rescue teams from all sides were assembled and ready to go.

At 7:30 on the 26th, the Lauter militiamen were instructed by their superiors to go to Qinyan Village to reinforce the dam. The team quickly drove to the rescue line with equipment. Filling sandbags, transferring materials, plugging leaks, strengthening... The Lauter team members and all rescuers are busy on the front line of rescue, heading against the wind and racing against time. "I have just been absorbed by the party organization as an activist for joining the party this year. This is my first task. It doesn't matter if I am tired. As long as the masses are safe, as long as I can play a role." said Liu Shuangping, a rescue team member. As of 11:30 on the 26th, preliminary reinforcement of the dam has been completed, and the team members have transported more than 200 sandbags and more than 30 wooden piles.


At 9:30 on the 27th, he was ordered to go to Meihu Lake, Henghe, to be responsible for river investigation, investigation of river gaps and other hidden safety hazards. 13:30 Team members Du Fengbin and Fang Bin found a 20-meter gap on the side of the Meihu River. There was a risk of river intrusion. After reporting the danger, they immediately shipped sandbags and plugged the gap. After 1 hour of rescue by all rescuers, the gap was found The plugging is completed. A total of more than 400 sandbags were transported.

In the face of the fierce "fireworks", the soldiers of the Lauter Flood Fighting Platoon and all the rescuers charged forward, putting guarding the masses first, and handed over a satisfactory answer to the party and the people.


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